Monday, June 26, 2017

Contact with Yo?

From: Padre via
Subject: Believe me! This message coming from above will change everything for you_79

Here is how your Guardian Angel can help you

Your Guardian Angel is trying to come into contact with yo


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Fenders and Gibsons, Gibsons and Fenders

For research purposes, I went to a local guitar show today. I expected a modest crowd, with mostly dudes like me and got that. People were mostly polite and more than willing to answer questions. Went there to see if there were any Hofner guitars and was completely shut out. But there were a few lovely Rickenbackers, including an original 1958, which I think was fairly priced at a whopping ten grand.

No, I did not bring it home with me. I did buy a leather pick, which probably adds too much bass to my tone, but I did buy something amid all the guitars, straps, accessories and even a few record crates.

A vast majority of what was being shown were various models of Fenders and Gibsons, which is what people are looking for now days I guess. I have nothing against them, but they're not really on my radar. For sale was a decent mix of acoustics, electrics and one table devoted to left handed guitars. Gretsch is becoming a make I may look into and the more I play Epiphones the more I lose interest. There was an old Greco, a brand that I never heard of that I asked the dealer about. It was a reasonable $375 and I asked to play it. When I had it in my hands the guy said he could go down to $325. I still was not buying today. Besides, the neck was an awful mess. And if a novice like me could tell...

I was wearing my Mod styled British Royal Air Force shirt, which received two compliments. One of them was from a guy asking if I owned a Waterstone guitar. Another brand I had never heard of. It seems the logos are a close match, and now I'm on the hunt for a Waterstone guitar myself, they seem affordable and have a decent look to them that is in my interests.

There's another show in Chillicothe later this year I will probably be headed to. Again, it's about some more research.

Monday, June 19, 2017

The things you learn when you turn a prime number

Was not aware of a mugshot of myself. I mean, my ugly mug is all over the internet reading my bad poetry, but still this came as a surprise.

Does personal public record file equal my permanent record?

Thank you internet stranger for this vital information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MESSAGE #8228- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MESSAGE DATE: 06/16/2017

ATTN: - One (1) or more people have searched and viewed your mugshot as well as court records on 6/16/17.

Please follow the link provided below to view further information and/or request removal from your personal public record file.

DATE: 06/14/2017

ATTN: Visit here now to view your mugshot and get further info

Thank You

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MESSAGE #1673- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Too many hearings, not enough rock

Been quiet here but very busy on the real side of the blog.

Saw two concerts in four days. Both excellent. Sigur Ros and Tom Petty. Sigur Ros had one of the best light shows I've even seen while Tom Petty and Mike Campbell had many nice guitars. Of course I was Rickenbacker spotting, and quite easily successful. Still enjoying the wonderful instrument in The Back Room.

One I'm listening to now I may want to see also. This band is going to make an impact.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

I thought all the Ambassador posts were vacant, except this one I guess

U.S. Department
United States Embassy Seal
Greeting from U.S Embassy,
Attention:Beneficiary ,
This is to inform you that your file was brought to my desk this morning,the CBN Bank here in Benin Republic / Nigeria said that they will divert your fund to the Government Treasury account just because you failed to pay the required fee of your fund which is $155 only.In the file they have forwarded to me one Mr Micheal Restov of this address (541 W Lies Rd Apt 6 Carol Stream IL 60188 USA) has forwarded to them his information for the claims of the fund saying he is your relative that you have been dead a long time ago and he stands as the next kind to make this cliam as the only survive member of your family,in this regards we want to know if this is true before we make any wrong decission in leting him stake a claim to this fund.
But we told him to wait until we confirm from you to know if his cliams are real so that we will know the reason why you rejected such amount of money 5Million usd which will change your life just because of the charges fee $155.00.we want your urgent response as you receive this email and explain to us the reason why you should abandon your fund. Kindly reply immediately with your full details as follows to enable us process your payment. Your Full names ,Your address and phone number.
I will wait to hear from you now.
Mr.James F.Entwistle.
United States Ambassador to West Africans States.

Friday, June 2, 2017

When spam asks you if you want to stop spam

it seem's that you receive a lot of spam do you want the spam to stop?
Answer me,

Did not even say please.