Did anyone really need to hear this?
Been doing some more thrifting. Found a replacement glass shade for a lamp that was broken three years ago when a small child tipped it over. Today, a larger child noticed something different about the lamp in the corner and tried to investigate.
Changed the locks on the house last weekend. Now that I own the house completely, it was the right thing to do to ensure that nothing else is taken, physically or photographically. It was time.
When my ex moved out two and a half years ago, in her property grab she took my old little league uniform. Despite my asking on more than one occasion, I've been waiting for her to return it. My mother gave it back to me so that one day she could see her grandson wearing it. She's not getting any younger and has health issues.
In the meantime this may be the puck moving defense man the Blue Jackets need.
He looks awfully happy in the hockey jersey. Sorry to hear about the losses, but hope that the hear and down is delightful. New lampshades: yay!
He's a happy kid. The loss of the uniform is not major to me, but important to my mother, and she's not acknowledging that.
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