Buster goes into the screen and the scenery changes around him as he stays in exactly the same place. Pure magic, and my enjoyment of that scene was diminished because of the projectionist's lack of attention.
I did send CAPA an email. A rather friendly reminder to get it right the next time. I did not spout off by making icons of cats out of focus with the caption CAPA FAIL or say that I'm never going to any of CAPA's events ever again.
Admittingly, I'm a grumpy old ass. To spend my time posting links of things I do not like with a snide comment is something I do less and less, which is good for everyone. I'm shunning political debate, especially online because it's not worth the effort. The link of, whatever, gets posted. Look how bad this person is. Look how bad these people are. This is a horrible thing, look! See how terrible our government is? Look at the oppression that continues to this day! People agree, or there is dissent. Links are posted countering the link in question. Arguing ensues. Latin terms are used. Personal insults are exchanged. Someone breaks Godwin's Law and for what?
Great, the ability to archive outrage exists in this day and age. Congratulations. But, again, what are you doing about it besides hating on Comfest?
Keep burning down the forest because there are couple of trees in it you don't like while you hide in the enclave.
I like the less snide, kinder, gentler Ed, or Ed v2.0.
Although, I always appreciate some good snark. Have a great weekend!
It's way past Ed 2.0 :)
I can't do it anymore. There's too much hate out there that is simply pointed at, with nothing done about it. When it piles up, and up - what's the point if you do not do something about it than let it all fester? Not healthy.
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