Sunday, December 17, 2017

Quiet ideas in my head

The street I live on is 99% quieter than the last one and it is taking time to get used to. No longer are there people doing 60 in a 25. No more 2AM sirens, although there were helicopters during the day on Thursday. When you deal with fifteen years of noise, you do not necessarily miss it but it is a new normal.

The tree has been up for a week, we all have stockings over the mantel now.



Our bedroom is cold so we got a space heater. We're getting a rug for part of the upstairs space as well. There will be more enhancements, upgrades and replacements coming as they do. Still sorting out the basement space. Have a few pieces of relevant art going down there and an idea for another that could be a commission piece, but who knows?

Christmas Eve is a week away. It's gone so fast amidst the daily chaos of our times. And in all of the good that did happen, there have been a few sad losses in a non-political way, too.

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