Monday, October 10, 2016

I'll pick Click Bait for $1200 Alex

Last week I took the Jeopardy online test. Initially I did well, better than some of the other tests I've taken. Then I saw the replay of the questions and I got at least nine wrong (out of 50 questions) and stand a slim chance to move on in the process.

Today I got an email from Jeopardy. It's subject heading was, "Congratulations!"

Intrigued, but not convinced, I opened the email, which said, "CONGRATULATIONS! You completed the online test. If you pass we'll contact you to schedule an audition."

Bite me you teases!

Because of the Columbus Day holiday my son had no school so I have been watching him today. It's been rather chill. We took a walk downtown earlier. The meters were free thanks to the oppressor's holiday. My son got to meet one of the three deer along the Scioto Mile.

He seemed to enjoy the walk. He walks very fast, faster than me and it was a struggle for my out of shape self to keep up with him. He liked the loop, we did not see anything twice, and he did not complain when we got back to the car. Dad win.

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