Saturday, April 4, 2020

Stay frosty

Our self-quarantine ended on Monday with no incident. We received a PDF letter of clean health from the county so we can go out into the madness if we want to. We're fine, symptom free.

I see that breathing and speaking may be spreading the virus around so society is about to become the plot of Guy Maddin's Careful.

I'm sure there will be people telling us when and how to breathe properly into our home made masks any day now. And how not to talk to each other when you go out for a walk in the park.

If twitter use spread the virus your friend's racist friend would not know what to do with themselves.

Maybe we'll be able to go out to a restaurant again by mid-June. Maybe, if anyone is left and able to have the funds to reopen. The economy is at a standstill and people are dying. It's a fine line that $1,200 checks are not going to solve. Of course the corporations will be just fine. The executives with initialed titles will be fine. The managers of hedge funds will be just fine. The major stockholders will be fine.

Whew, we sure dodged a bullet there by bailing out the airlines.

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