Friday, September 19, 2014

There's something about loss

I've probably seen more loss than victory, and not just from the world of sports. 

Redman Street 

High school was a barrage of
Friday night parties I was not invited to
On Monday the sounds all around my desk
were laughter, all the drinking, fun and vomiting I missed
It's said the diploma was the goal
More important than a degree was
four more years of directionless loss
Administrators pushed me through second grade
because I could read
In third grade I learned how to hate myself
In fifth I learned how power can abuse
If seventh grade went as quick as sitting next to a pretty girl
in ninth grade science class
eleventh grade would have been more tolerable
I'm not even going to mention any more even numbered years
Every Saturday afternoon I heard the marching band play
at halftime from my backyard
I'd been beat up under those bleachers too many times to see them filled
Had lockers broken into more times that I want to remember
Problems were solved with withdrawal, not a gun
another shot of whiskey means
another game of dodge ball forgotten
There's not enough whiskey
but there's plenty of time to move forward

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