Saturday, February 15, 2014

One long pair of eyes to see you

Yesterday I went in for my first eye exam in three years. This one went better than last time, when I had an ultrasound done on my right eye. Did get to see the picture again, it was in my chart. My right eye is weakening, but I guess that's what happens with age as the eyes are still healthy, and unusually long, and have some weird pigmentation to them in there.

The student/physician who did my exam was easy on the eyes too, even after dilation.

Took a good six hours after dilation for my eyes to get back to some form of normal. I hate losing control of my eyes like that, they're bad enough without my glasses. Did not drive to the exam, but got a day pass from COTA, who got me where I needed to go with no real difficulty or delay. Even with my shades, the glare from the snow was irritating.

Before my exam, I went into the optometry room where the glasses are sold, and picked out a new pair. This was easier than doing it after the exam, a recommended tip.

Ended up going under budget on the new frames and lenses and gave an online site a try for prescription sunglasses. One site was unable to fill my strong prescription so I tried another. Never did this before and hope I'm not going to be disappointed. I'll know for sure in two to three weeks when both sets of glasses arrive.

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