Monday, August 27, 2012

Doing all we can

A couple of months back I received a letter from my son's former occupational therapist. It more or less stated that he was still on the list for treatment, but his referral would expire in late September unless we scheduled appointments.

This morning I called to schedule an appointment. I was told he'd be put back on a waiting list, that I'd receive a call when his next session would be and that his referral was now up to date.

Did not expect to hear back from them for a few weeks. Was quite surprised to get a call back less than a half hour later with a date, next Tuesday. His new therapist, I specifically requested he not receive his last one, can take him every other week.

So what we're going to do is have O.T. one week, and Behavioral Therapy the next week. I'm really at a loss right now. He's definitely made progress, but is still quite underweight. Summer camp did not help as there did not seem to be anyone on staff capable of feeding him. His mother received a substantial amount of food that he did not eat, or that the staff did not make an effort in feeding him so they kept the food all summer without telling us. This part of the story is not over.

His behavior therapist has stated on more than one occasion that we're not doing enough, that there is no local situation that can provide him with intensive day or in-patient therapy. In the near future, that may change as she told me there is a new doctor on the hospital staff who may be capable of starting an in-patient feeding clinic. She's also setting my son up for an examination with this doctor.

He's intently watching Dora. I wish he put the same focus into pooping in the toilet.

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