Sunday, August 26, 2012

So, things blew up.

We saw Expendables 2 yesterday. We went to the Rave Theater chain and saw it in their 'extreme' theater. The screen is bigger, but not Imax, and the sound is louder. It's essentially a tricked up car with monster bass that you can hear from a mile down the road.

Even the trailers were loud, and caused a breeze in the room.

Expendables 2 starts with a series of bangs. Things blow up. Guns are fired. Missiles are launched. A motorcycle is used as a bullet. Jet Li beats people up with kitchen equipment.

There's a plot that surrounds the explosions that involves Russian peasants and thunderdome that I compared to Wal-Mart with plutonium. Jean Claude Van Damme has had some horrible plastic surgery. The botox bill for this film had to be enormous, as was the budget for Chuck Norris' beard dye.

The chemistry between Stallone and Statham is genuine. They do good buddy shoot everything that moves films together.

There are explosions. Randy Coture had about two lines of dialogue. You knew one character was dead meat. Why not give the guy a red Star Trek shirt?

Guns are fired. Van Damme's character is named Jean Vilain. Deep.

Weapons are discharged. It was actually fun to see Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger exchanging some very corny banter.

The musical oldies used in this film had to add about $1,500 in rights use to the budget.

Blood flies.And there will be a third one. Please let there be more Jet Li. Although Jackie Chan is rumored to be on board.

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