Weirdness out of the world of David Letterman, seems someone has been blackmailing him. A CBS news producer threatened to write a book and screenplay saying that Letterman was sleeping with members of his staff unless the talk show host gave him two million dollars. Letterman went on his show and admitted that he had done so.

What is it about Letterman that stalkers, kidnappers and blackmailers seem to orbit around him? This didn't happen to Carson did it?
In the middle of Nick Hornby's new book, Juliet, Naked. Liking it a lot so far, he's back to music geekery as the subject matter. His smack at middle aged men who regret staying up late listening to downloaded music hit a bit close to home though!
Five days until we leave for IWPS!
I can't wait to read the new Hornby. Have a great trip and knock 'em dead!
I know you're having fun Teri!
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