Thursday, October 29, 2009

Victory and Fur

Last night's dream took place in downtown Columbus, by Nationwide. It was a bizarre contest involving a rather large box or containing area. Inside were many kittens. The kittens were in the box and were deprived of food and water. The last kitten in the box was pronounced the winner. The winner of what I do not know.

Now. You also have to know that the box was rather shallow, so the kittens had very easy escape. No kittens were harmed during this contest. In fact, several fell asleep inside the box.

I do not know which kitten claimed victory.

Speaking of contests. I think this was unrelated to my dream. My Scottish wife won admission to Writers Block events for the rest of the year last night. How? She won the scream contest. Yes. She put her entire body into the act, falling to the floor to clinch against some gal from Taiwan.

I also won the door prize, a complete book of Poe. It was win last night.

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