Friday, October 23, 2009


Took part in the Beauty Vs. Brawn Poetry slam at Club Fire last night. It was a benefit for the Wow Slam that is happening in Columbus in March. Five guys went up against five women.

It was ugly. We were doomed, but not from the start.

I was first up. It was dark in the room. Very dark. So I went off paper and did After Birth. Missed a line or two, but it went over well. The look on Scott Woods' face as he was setting up the music stand for me to sent my paper on was priceless as I waived it off! It's hard for me to memorize. Very hard. It's a start.

All I can add is that I'm the only guy who won his round. As for the rest of my Poet Brothers, that is a story only they can tell although I have to give mention to Joe! who competed in his first slam ever last night. Had a lot of fun out there.

Did not mind being at Club Fire but they really needed to set up the bar before the show so people can get a bit lubricated, and charge a bit less for their mixed drinks in plastic cups.

Then we got home and I found out someone had used by debit card at Target Stores in California. That was not good. Now I get to go the bank and fill out a dispute form. Makes me feel uneasy and violated.

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