He did keep trying to go up the slide from the bottom. What kid does not do that? Not a good idea when others are coming down though.
What was cool was seeing that he was waiting for his turn to go down the slide. Patiently.
He loves the swings. That's the first place he went. Sat right on them and waited for me to start pushing him. He went back to them a couple of times and was watching for me, looking back toward me as he was going toward them. Waiting for a push.
When it was time to go there was very little fuss. Nice hour spent.
The Arts Festival audition went well enough on Saturday. Got there early and did not have to wait to read. Think I did as well as last year, but it's up to the judges now.
I see the house passed the health care reform bill. I'm not that impressed in that it does not go far enough. Waiting for Nancy Pelosi to knock on the door, offering up free abortions. Maybe she'll arrive in a Chinese tank.
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