It had been years since I'd seen it. It was on some highway in Pennsylvania, we were headed south as the giant Wiener Mobile was headed north. It's a huge road craft. I'll post some pictures when I download them but the image above is fine. We could not get near it without breaching a couple of fences but it was cool to see up close. Naturally my Scottish Wife had never seen it before, but she was intrigued by how many could sit in there. I wondered if the actual wiener part of the vehicle could be separated so you could have this large Bun Convertible motoring around. I wondered a lot of other things about the Wiener Mobile, but censors will not allow them to be published.
Writer's Block had a fine open mic last night. Sweet poem about the child of a poet having a birthday, brave one that descended into a raw, and painful description of domestic violence, and the usual race wars. I'm looking forward to hosting First Draft on Friday night. No, there will be no Wonder Bread and Hellman's Mayonaise served, at least not by me.
About those words of wisdom by Joe Biden though...
Thanks for all your support for my trip to IWPS. There's still time to DONATE. Man, hotels in Berkeley are expensive.
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