Thursday, September 24, 2009

Talking to the trees

Started cramming for IWPS. Been in the back room, rehearsing. I doubt memorization will happen, but I'm working on timing, having some of the poem in my head so I can flip pages with no one noticing. Asking for advice of what to use, getting good feedback. Beverly lent me her copy of Taylor Mali's chapbook on slam, and I actually used one of the methods at open mic last night. Read one poem that others have said I should do, then Scott called me to the mic for another one. I was ready for that. Even did another one later. He's helping too. More back room tonight.

My son's teacher emailed to say he'd been hit by another student while in speech therapy. Seems the kid was sitting next to him and just punched him in the face. Everything's ok, but this triggered all kinds of bad feelings in me. It's not like he's being beat up on the bus or having his lunch money taken. But I worry about my son being non verbal and unable to tell us if something hurts, or is wrong, or if he's uncomfortable in a situation. He has very little malice in him and he does not know how to defend himself or say stop.

Trying to refinance the house. In need of a document my ex said she signed as part of our divorce decree. I do not have it. There's only a short window of time I have to get this done and I'm not looking forward to potentially making a few phones calls to attorneys.

Anyway. IWPS is two weeks away and there's still time to DONATE.

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