Saturday, April 17, 2010


What He's Working On

He tries
He's only seven
The spoon goes in the sink
Cereal bowl in the trash
He tries hard
His sippy cup ends up in the garbage
The zipper on his coat gets pulled up
Without it being put together
He's working on it
Cleaning up spilled pudding by dropping a tissue on it
He'll learn to wipe, someday
He removes his shoes, and socks
The laces and Velcro are odd to him
He tries really hard
Adjusting the water in the shower
Then stands out of the flow when it's too cold or hot
He swims, in the deep end, with no assistance
But lacks the strength and dexterity to open his yogurt
He is a thinking boy
Numbers go to thirty now
Letters are easily identified
Spent lollipop sticks end up in the trash,
No longer left on the closest bed
He tries, after all
He's only seven

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