Monday, April 5, 2010


The Game of Numbers and Forms

One in one hundred and fifty
are being diagnosed with this condition that is not contagious,
not air borne, nothing like the trumped up fear of H1N1 - with no known cause
Shouting about vaccines being the hidden culprit invites divisiveness in the community and doubts in our parenting
Biomedical additives versus neurodiversity,
who gives a crap?

What is happening to these kids now?
What will happen to them when they are no longer kids?
Early detection, then what?
What will happen when these kids parents are dead?

You fall into the trap of searching for services
For referrals from doctors who are clueless, without weapons or know how
(and for anyone who asks me, "What does his doctor say?" Shut up)
Banging suggested expensive therapies that insurance will not cover
to see what sticks to the wall
Only to be denied a claim for covering a significant eating disorder
Because some bean counter decided that food is medically unnecessary
This is that makes it difficult for a parent, a loved one,
to live in the moment, to simply be
Why parents are not passive, and fight

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