Sunday, April 25, 2010

Five Left

First I see that Scott Woods wrote thirty poems in one day!

Show off!

Like I say. Crazy Hardcore Scott Woods. He also gave me some ideas on how to end the month. So thanks for refilling the well, son.

Then I saw the amazing Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz at Wild Goose Creative along with Charlene Fix.

It's one of those nights you just want to throw away your pens and paper, burn your previous work, pack it in and watch reality television for the rest of your life.

Instead you scribble a few things in notebooks in the Giant Eagle parking lot, find a six pack of Genesee Cream Ale in sixteen ounce cans, and hope for the best.


Scott Woods said...

Thanks for the shout-out!
I like to think of myself as being mostly average, standing as a sign that anyone can do anything if they just sit down and do it. If *I* can do it...

Someone Said said...

You do have a point. You broke the ground on it though, and that counts as important.