Sunday, July 18, 2010

Water All Over Me

We were invited to a cook out at a friend's house. There is a pool.

Last year we received an invite, but it was about twenty five degrees cooler and raining. Today it was in the upper eighties and quite humid. We got a bit of rain, but that did not damper any of the fun.

He zipped around the pool better than I could. I followed him around, relaxing with a noodle while he went into the deep end (8 1/2 feet) and back. For nostalgia, I did manage to fit a dive in. Even my Scottish Wife managed to put a suit on and cool off.

I'm also putting sunglasses on him while we ride in the car. It will get him used to wearing glasses for the upcoming vision therapy.

He does not seem to mind.


Elaine said...

Cool kid! And the pool looks cool, too. Happy summer!

Someone Said said...

A very nice pool. The water was not cold either. very refreshing.

Anonymous said...

My latest post is on the benefits of swimming. Barbara