I forget how funny Monkey Business is. All four of the brothers get to show their chops. There's a wonderful scene in which they're trying to leave a ship. They steal Maurice Chevalier's passport and imitate him to try and fool the customs agents.
When you see a film multiple times, sometimes you find a gem you missed, or a little aside that suddenly strikes you as the best thing ever. This moment for me comes at about 4:50 of this great scene between Harpo and Chico, who are proving themselves to be tough so they can be bodyguards for a bad guy.
Groucho has one, perfect line in this scene.
After Monkey Business, Horse Feathers was shown. In the film, the song "Everyone Says I Love You" is used frequently and is performed by all the brothers during the film. I love the scene with Groucho and Thelma Todd as the College Widow.
I know Woody Allen did the film Everyone Says I Love You, and used the song as a tribute to the Marxes. What I did not know was that the song was written specifically for Horse Feathers. I always thought it was a popular song of the day. I liked Woody's film a lot.
Back to Thelma Todd, who appeared in a lot of films during her short career. Why was her career short? Because she was 29 when she died under mysterious circumstances. The official cause of death was a carbon monoxide overdose. She was found in a locked garage with her car running. There was also blood on her face and dress, she may have already been unconscious when the car was started.

I have a tendency to look back at my journal entries. This one from 2006 is quite spooky. It's a monthly horoscope that, if you push it back a month or two, has some dead on accuracy. Hindsight gives you the opportunity to do this.
"The winds of change are again blowing, and you are about to experience a radical shift in your career. The first week of September will be fraught with tension as unexpected news about a professional matter comes your way...
It looks like destiny has a plan for you. If you have been working long and hard, with too little reward or promise for a sound future, getting out of your current situation will be a blessing. It's time to clear out the dead wood that has weighed you down and wedged you between a rock and a hard place.
It appears your boss or client, most likely a female, is about to announce a surprise departure, and you will be distressed to hear this, for it looks like she was a strong supporter.
Before you get too worried, it's possible that you may have ALREADY seen a source of income dry up over the past few months. Let me show you how this could be by telling you a true story.
A major, sudden career change near September 7, the full moon lunar eclipse - a change you won't see coming - will leave you stunned. A top-level woman who protected you may now suddenly depart, leaving you feeling orphaned. Or someone may attempt to harm your reputation, either through gossip or through a false accusation. In the latter instance, you'll soon find out who your true friends are, although the experience may turn out to be quite disillusioning.
While this sounds ominous, all this month will bring is a set of tests, albeit quite a number of them. On the upside, you will get them done all at once. October should be lively and productive, and November will be extraordinarily happy. December should be downright glorious."
I won't say November was happy, and December the opposite of glorious, aside from leaving CML - which was the relief of all reliefs. The crap really hit the fan in January when true, false identities and other craziness were revealed.