Sunday, May 16, 2010

Interlude from My Subconsious

There was a concert in my dream. A lot of my friends were there, but I'm not sure who. We were sitting very close to the stage, maybe in the second or third row. Then the stage emptied Duck Dunn started playing the piano and singing. Very strange since he is a bass player. A lot of people did not like this and left, which left the front row open. I moved down and was about ten feet from Dunn as he played. Dunn was awesome!

Not sure where this came from. At Writers' Block Scott was wearing his Stax shirt, and Booker T. and the MG's came up. Booker T. also played Columbus recently, and took some flack from the critics who preferred it when he played the organ instead of the guitar.

So maybe it all came from that soup, or maybe it means I'm gay.


BrownSugar said...

You're so gay.
I bet you think this dream is about you.

Someone Said said...

Maybe it's about YOU.