Sunday, April 24, 2011

Over the Voyeur

Day 24 - A song you want played at your funeral.

One song only?

Dude, I have a playlist.

Think I'm going to give up control over the music at my own funeral?

You are nuts.

Chances are, by the time I go in for the big sleep, there will be one of those slideshows put together too.

So let the photos play on the Hi-Def screens the fancy funeral homes have these days. They will have a CD, or a thumb drive of 23 songs that can be played on repeat, but not shuffle as the order of songs is specific. Yes, I've worked it out.

Note to Scottish Wife, it's in the document file, easily found.

One may be able to guess many of the songs on the list. You may be right about many of them, but there are some curveballs. Songs to keep you on your toes while celebrating my demise.

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